Our clients and students share their experience of working with Brighid and Return to the Roots

"Your expertise and dedication as a therapist are truly commendable. Your caring and compassionate nature, coupled with your extensive knowledge about autism, have been instrumental in Michael's progress. You have not only provided valuable insights but also empowered him to embrace his uniqueness.

I particularly appreciate the manner in which you explained autism to Michael, emphasizing that it is not a deficit but rather a difference in the way his body and brain respond to sensory stimuli. This explanation has been pivotal in fostering his self-acceptance and confidence.

—Yannely, Parent

"Having Brighid at our school is a huge asset. She not only cares for the adults and students here at Stevenson,but goes above and beyond to make an individual connection with each of them.. When hearing of the possibility that she could be working full time with us,,my heart filled with joy and excitement. We will all benefit from having her here."

—Julie T, Teacher

"Brighid is an incredible human being who lives her purpose every day. She uplifts a room just with her presence. She is transforming the way we look at punitive versus restorative measures."

Colleen H., Stevenson School Counselor


"Brighid is definitely someone that I would recommend to others! She is beyond knowledgable and the hands-on practices that are offered during her trainings are very meaningful. Brighid provided great support and feedback to us when implementing our own peace circles, which was very helpful. I hope that we are able to connect again in the future!"

— Jeanette R., Communities in Schools of Chicago

"Brighid has a sincere and genuine personality. She is very thoughtful and honest and approaches group time with enthusiasm and a fresh approach. She offered my students a weekly time to be mindful which is a topic we have discussed often this school year and she brought out softer sides of certain students that I had not seen all year!"

— Therese P., Diverse Learner Teacher

"I loved your ideas and overall approach to helping my son! It was a breath of fresh air. I look forward to seeing how using his ADHD to his advantage will be. Thank you for your kindness and your next level expertise, Brighid!"

— G. L., Public School Mom of a 1st grader

Letters from Students in our Restorative Justice Program

(Click each image to enlarge)